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Performance Optimisation

  • Reinforce your knowledge in Drilling Performance & Optimisation by using advanced technologies and real case studies

  • Get a solid theoretical background of drilling, from the basics of mud logging to drilling bit cutter interaction

  • Gain knowledge on ROP optimisation in terms of Hydraulic, Dynamics, Wear, Directional and Drillability

  • Learn to apply these drill bit fundamentals to DrillScan Drilling Software Platform

Course objectives

Drilling engineers and supervisors or drilling optimisation engineers

Who should attend
  • Day 1 - Introduction to drilling performance

  • Day 2 - Drill bit cutter interaction

  • Day 3 - Drill bit design: cutter structure, blade, wear description and modelling, 3D Bottom contact control

  • Day 4 - Drill bit design: Bit dysfunction control & ROP Optimisation

  • Day 5 -  ROP Optimisation (diagnostic, evaluation and treatment): Case study

  • Day 3 evening - Networking and dinner @ Glasshouse Restaurant in Edinburgh

  • Day 5 evening - Edinburgh Castle and Edinburgh Dungeon tour

  • Attendees are required to bring their laptop. 

  • Each participant will have the possibility to use DrillScan Drilling Software Platform after the training.

  • Visa application, accommodation and transportation, contact us at

General Advice
Course Overview

Course Duration: 5 days | Venue: Edinburgh, United Kingdom | Dates: 22 - 26 July 2019

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